Liberty Leaf Holdings Ltd. is pleased to announce the completion of its first CBD research trial on pain medication for dogs.
The study included large mix breed dogs and a proprietyary CBD oil formulation and a placebo.
The focus of this first study was on treating dogs with chronic osteoarthritic pain. Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common diseases in dogs, characterized by pain, stiffness, lethargy and decreased mobility, which leads to reduction in their quality of life.
Results from the ESEV-managed, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial demonstrated that dogs with clinically diagnosed OA receiving a daily dose of only 0.3 mg/kg of proprietary CBD-infused oil formulation for four weeks exhibited significantly reduced pain and improved functional performance.
“The ability to effectively manage pain with such a low CBD dosage as used in this study and over such a short treatment period is statistically significant,” said Robert Jackman, Scientific Project Manager for Liberty Leaf.
Read Liberty Leaf’s entire announcement.
As we get closer to cannabis legalization in Canada there are more and more research projects happening in human application, but we are excited to see a growth of animal use research as well. Many people see the benefit of CBD use so its great to see research being done to see if it can also improve the quality of life for our fur babies as well!
Cannabis research is big news in Canada right now. With research being federally funded and more opportunities for research companies to take advantage of the new legalization Canada is slated to be a world leader in cannabis.